Sunset Couples Session in The Canary Islands | Sarah & Jodi.

Hello Friends!

Did you know I used to live in The Canary Islands?

My time living there was fleeting, for many reasons which could be a whole blog in itself but re-establishing our lives back in Scotland and building my business again, hasn’t been easy. Friday, was just one year since we got the keys to our wee home here in the Hebrides and although I feel as though I should be so much further ahead in terms of my business and how I feel in myself at times, when I look at how far we have come in that short period of time it is actually miraculous.

We literally came to this island in October 2018, with what we had in our suitcases and in just over a year we have really made a home for ourselves here. We have met incredible people who have become friends, I have had the fortune to meet so many amazing clients and for my business to be received insanely well here, not forgetting that I have had the opportunity to collaborate with so many local businesses and creatives. The past year really has been a whirlwind of excitement filled with a rollercoaster of ups and downs!

At times, I felt like I was getting nowhere and wanted to give it all up - the creative business that is, but I always had to remind myself and be reminded by my business advisors at the fantastic Orbit Agency, in Stornoway, that I was in a period of transition and that was okay!

SO, what does this have to do with a Sunset Couples Session? Well, during this period of transition, tending to my Blog and other ‘non-essential’ parts of my business kind of got put to the side. 

Before I re-branded from Lesley-Anne Young Photography to Aperture Lane Photography in 2017, I ran a blog on Wordpress, which sadly is now no longer active, but there are so many great memories from that blog and shoots and moments that happened over the past year of transition that I would love to share with you. With me being much more settled now I want to take it back, re-wind if you will and once per week (I hope) share some images ‘From the Archive’ starting with this gorgeous Sunset Couples Shoot in The Canary Islands with the very lovely Sarah and Jodi; a super bubbly, happy couple who wanted to commemorate their Engagement with some images, in the spot where they got engaged the year previous.

So without further ado - take it away ladies!

This was such a fun shoot with Sarah & Jodi who were among some of the most amazing people we met in my time living and working in The Canary Islands. Although ultimately living in The Canaries was not for us in the end - memories like this, are ones I will cherish.

If you’re interested in a Couples Session of your own, all my Full Day Wedding Packages come with a Complimentary Couples Session. For more info, just click the button below.

LA <3

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